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in Beverly Hills, CA

Men Deserve Targeted Botox Too 

Why Choose The Medspa at The Practice for Brotox?

Looking sharp shouldn't be a fight against nature. Brotox at The Practice in Beverly Hills is a customized BOTOX® treatment designed specifically for men. We understand male facial anatomy and goals, ensuring a natural, masculine look that keeps you looking your best.

Brotox at a Glance

  • Targeted for Men: Addresses male facial anatomy and goals for a natural, masculine appearance.
  • Subtle Results: Maintains a strong jawline and avoids a frozen look.
  • Quick Procedure: In-office treatment with minimal downtime.
  • Long-lasting Effects: Results typically visible for three to four months.
  • Consultation Included: Discuss your goals with a qualified professional to determine if Brotox is right for you.

The Difference Maker 

What is Brotox?

Men have stronger facial muscles than women, so Brotox uses a personalized approach. Our experts analyze factors like muscle density and metabolism to determine the exact amount of BOTOX® needed for a natural, youthful appearance.

Respecting Masculine Features

Brotox acknowledges the unique structure of the male face. Treatment areas like the forehead and frown lines are addressed while preserving a strong jawline and other features that contribute to a masculine look. We also consider factors like a receding hairline for a natural final result.

Natural Results, Not Frozen Faces

Brotox aims for subtle rejuvenation, not a frozen expression. We understand that men may not want to erase every wrinkle – some lines can convey experience and accomplishment. Brotox treatments create a refreshed appearance, achieving the "Wall Street Wrinkle" – softened lines that still hint at an active life.

Target Wrinkles 

What conditions does Brotox address?

Brotox addresses common signs of facial aging in men, helping you achieve a refreshed appearance without sacrificing your natural features. Here's how:

  • Frown Lines (Glabellar Lines): Brotox relaxes the muscles that cause frowning, smoothing out deep lines between the eyebrows for a more relaxed and approachable look.
  • Forehead Wrinkles: Reduce horizontal lines across the forehead, creating a smoother and more youthful appearance.
  • Crow's Feet: Soften wrinkles around the eyes, making you look less tired and more energized.

Beyond wrinkles, Brotox can also be used for:

  • Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis): Injections in the underarms can significantly reduce sweating, boosting confidence and comfort.

Your Brotox Experience

What is the Brotox procedure like?

Following your consultation, a Brotox specialist will target specific muscles based on your unique facial structure and goals. Each injection feels like a slight pinch, and you may experience temporary redness or swelling in the treated areas. These side effects are normal and typically subside within a day. Within 24 hours, you'll start to notice a smoother appearance. Results continue to improve over the following days and weeks, lasting on average for four months.

For a Sharper Look 

What areas of the body can Brotox address?

Brotox targets frown lines, forehead wrinkles, crow's feet, and even underarm sweat.

Age Like a Boss, Not a Fossil 

What are the benefits of Brotox?

Brotox offers a range of benefits specifically suited to men seeking a refreshed and youthful appearance, all while maintaining a natural, masculine look. Here's how Brotox can elevate your skincare routine:

Natural-Looking Rejuvenation

  • Subtle Results: Brotox avoids the "frozen face" effect, softening wrinkles while preserving your natural expressions and features.
  • Maintains Masculinity: Treatment focuses on areas like frown lines and forehead wrinkles, keeping your jawline and other defining characteristics strong.

Convenience and Minimal Downtime

  • Quick In-Office Procedure: Brotox injections are a relatively quick and comfortable experience with minimal downtime.
  • Long-lasting Effects: Results typically last for 3-4 months, allowing you to enjoy a refreshed appearance for an extended period.

Confidence and Self-Esteem Boost

  • Reduced Wrinkles: Appear more youthful and energetic with smoother skin and fewer visible signs of aging.
  • Reduced Sweating: Combat excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) for increased confidence in social and professional settings.

A Word on Realistic Expectations

Brotox is a fantastic tool for wrinkle reduction and rejuvenation, but it's important to have realistic expectations. Lines may not completely disappear, and ongoing treatments are needed to maintain results. However, Brotox can significantly improve your appearance and boost your confidence.

Natural Progression and Ongoing Care 

Brotox Recovery & Results

Brotox works gradually, taking one to three days for initial results to appear and continuing to improve over the following weeks. As with any injectable treatment, ongoing care is essential to maintain those results. Fortunately, Brotox treatments typically last for three to four months, effectively postponing the need for more invasive procedures.

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Understanding the Cycle

It's important to remember that the aging process continues. Once the Brotox wears off, dynamic wrinkles will gradually return to their previous state. Regular Brotox treatments help maintain a refreshed appearance and address these concerns before they become more noticeable.

Combining Treatments for Optimal Results

The Practice offers a comprehensive menu of aesthetic injectables beyond Brotox. We can discuss options like collagen stimulators and dermal fillers to address specific concerns and potentially extend the longevity of your results.

Brotox Delivers 

Am I a candidate for Brotox?

Brotox can be a powerful tool for addressing wrinkles and achieving a rejuvenated appearance. It's a great option for those with:

  • Moderate to Severe Wrinkles: Brotox effectively smooths frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead wrinkles.
  • Preventative Care: Starting Brotox in your 20s or 30s can help delay the formation of wrinkles and maintain a youthful look for longer.


Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of Brotox varies depending on the number of units needed and the treatment area. During your consultation, a Brotox specialist will assess your individual needs and provide you with a personalized cost estimate.

Brotox is a safe and effective treatment for men when administered by a qualified healthcare professional. During your consultation, we will discuss your medical history to ensure Brotox is right for you.

Side effects of Brotox are typically mild and temporary, and may include slight redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site. These side effects usually subside within a day or two.

Brotox, when administered by a skilled professional, creates a natural-looking result. At The Practice, our Brotox specialists understand male facial anatomy and tailor treatments to maintain your masculine features while achieving a refreshed appearance.

Brotox results typically last for 3-4 months. Our providers will discuss a personalized treatment plan to ensure you can maintain your desired results over time.

Brotox can be combined with other treatments like dermal fillers or collagen stimulators to address specific concerns and potentially extend the longevity of your results. We will discuss all your options during your consultation.