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Tuberous Breast Surgery
in Beverly Hills

You Deserve to Feel Beautiful

Why Choose The Practice Plastic Surgery for Tuberous Breast Surgery?

Tuberous breasts develop during puberty in some women. If your breasts have a tube-like or drooping shape, are narrower at the base, are widely spaced apart, or have areolas with a puffy appearance, you may have tuberous breasts. While tuberous breasts are not typically a health concern, they cause some women to feel self-conscious about their appearance, impacting body image and self-esteem. However, surgical solutions are available to correct this specific difference in breast shape.

Our board-certified plastic surgeons specialize in advanced cosmetic breast procedures, including the correction of tuberous breasts. We invite you to schedule a consultation with one of our highly qualified and compassionate providers in Beverly Hills to discuss your options.

Tuberous Breast Surgery at a Glance

  • Tuberous breasts are a developmental difference that results in a tube-shaped, elongated, or drooping breast shape.
  • Various surgical techniques achieve a round, lifted, aesthetically pleasing breast shape.
  • Breast implants are often used to help correct tuberous breasts, but other methods are available.
  • Recovery involves approximately one week of downtime with a gradual return to more strenuous activities. 

When Breasts Develop Differently

What are tuberous breasts?

Tuberous breasts are the result of tissue contraction at the base of the breasts during puberty. As the breasts grow, the base remains narrow while the breast and nipple are forced outward, resulting in conditions like an elongated breast shape, a wide distance between the breasts, or puffy nipples. Some women who feel self-conscious about having long or dropping-looking breasts do not realize that it is the result of a developmental difference. Tuberous breasts are also known as tubular breasts or constricted breasts. 

Helping You Make Informed Decisions 

Candidates for Tuberous Breast Surgery 

If tuberous breasts impact your self-esteem, interfere with your clothing choices, or cause you to feel self-conscious in your relationships, you may be a good candidate for surgical correction. Our team will learn about your goals and review your medical history to ensure that you are a strong candidate for any procedure you are considering. 

Advanced Techniques Tailored to Your Needs

What is tuberous breast surgery?

Depending on your breast shape and aesthetic goals, different techniques may be used to reshape your breasts. The following methods may be performed individually or in combination.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation with implants can effectively add volume, especially in the upper breast area, to achieve more rounded contours. If your breasts are asymmetrical, we may perform breast reduction on the larger breast before placing implants of the same size in each breast. 

Fat Grafting

Fat grafting adds volume to the restricted upper area of the breast using fat collected via liposuction from another area of your body. The fat is purified and administered in a series of injections. This method uses very small incisions with a minimal risk of visible scarring. The result is a fuller, more rounded breast shape, particularly in the upper pole of the breasts. 

Breast Unrolling

Patients with tuberous breasts often have minimal distance between their nipples and the crease underneath the breasts (inframammary fold). This is caused by excess tissue behind the nipple with less tissue at the lower portion of the breasts. In the breast unrolling method, the surgeon creates an incision either at the edge of the nipple or in the location where a new inframammary crease will be created. The excess tissue behind the nipple is lowered (think of a window shade rolling down). This shifts the breast tissue downward, helping the nipple sit higher on the breast mound.

Crease Release

In traditional tuberous breast treatment, breast implants are placed and the dent where the old inframammary crease is “scored” or “released” to create a new, natural-looking crease. However, in many cases, differences in skin thickness above and below the old crease may still be noticeable. In this case, they may use fat grafting or the unrolling technique to even out the tissue for a smoother transition from the implant to the breast crease. 

Breast Reduction

When used to help correct tuberous breasts, breast reduction focuses on reducing excess tissue in areas that contribute to a tuberous breast shape. In many cases, breast reduction is combined with a breast lift (mastopexy) to provide the most aesthetically pleasing breast shape and position. Breast reduction can also help correct breast asymmetry.

Tissue Expansion

In rare cases, tuberous breast patients may have very tight breast skin, tissue expansion may be necessary before corrective surgery can be performed. A tissue expander is placed to help gradually stretch the skin and then replaced with implants after a few months.  

Attentive Care at Every Step

What is the tuberous breast correction procedure like?

Consultation: Your journey to achieving more shapely, rounded breasts begins with an in-depth consultation. Your plastic surgeon will ask you about your individual goals and carefully review your medical history to ensure that it is safe for you to undergo cosmetic surgery. They will also examine your breasts in order to customize treatment options tailored to your specific needs. Digital images may be used to help you visualize the outcome of different procedures and implant sizes. 

The day of surgery: Tuberous breast surgery is generally performed as an outpatient procedure. You will be comfortably asleep under general anesthesia. The details of your procedure will be reviewed at your pre-operative appointment. After surgery, we will monitor you for a while in a recovery room before releasing you with a trusted adult to drive you home.

Benefits in Every Area of Life

What are the benefits of tuberous breast surgery?

Tuberous breast surgery may provide both aesthetic and psychological benefits:

Improved breast shape: Creates a more round, lifted breast shape and improves fullness in the upper breast.

Better breast symmetry: Ensures that both breasts are more evenly matched in size, shape, and position.

Enhanced self-confidence: Enhances self-esteem and body image, helping you feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin.

Wider range of clothing options: Makes it easier to find bras, swimsuits, and clothing that fit properly and flatter your body, expanding wardrobe options and opportunities for self-expression.

Correction of functional issues: Alleviates any physical discomfort caused by tuberous breasts. 

The Essentials of a Good Recovery

Tuberous Breast Surgery Recovery

The type of procedure performed determines what the recovery process looks like for each patient. The week after surgery is your time to focus on resting and caring for yourself. Taking any pain medications as instructed, wearing a post-surgical bra, and diligently following your aftercare are essential during this time. Most patients resume light activities during the second week post-surgery while continuing to limit heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for a while longer. You will attend post-operative visits to check your healing. Your surgeon and post-op care nurse will also remain available to answer questions and provide extra support at any time. 

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Realize Your Full Potential

Tuberous Breast Surgery Results

For people with tuberous breasts, plastic surgery can have a transformative impact on both physical appearance and emotional well-being. It opens up a wider range of clothing options, and fosters a new confidence in engaging in various activities. Achieving a more positive body image and better self-confidence may have benefits that spill over into every area of life, including personal wellness, intimate relationships, and professional endeavors. Schedule your consultation to start your journey to your most balanced, beautiful contours.

Tuberous Breast Surgery

Frequently Asked Questions

If you think that you have tuberous breasts, our team will perform an exam to determine the level of tissue constriction in your breasts. Whatever your goals for cosmetic breast enhancement, we can formulate a surgical plan tailored to your needs.

While tuberous breast surgery does not impede breastfeeding, women with tuberous breasts may encounter challenges due to underdeveloped glandular tissue during puberty. You should discuss any future plans to breastfeed during your consultation with your surgeon. Our surgeons use meticulous techniques to help preserve the integrity of the glands and milk ducts and promote successful breastfeeding. Unfortunately, however, women with tuberous breasts may have difficulty breastfeeding due to underdeveloped breast glands.

Breast implants tend to be the most reliable method of improving the shape of tuberous breasts. However, other methods like breast reduction, fat grafting, and breast unrolling can provide significant improvements for tuberous breast patients who do not want implants.