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Capsular Contracture Treatment
in Beverly Hills, CA

Explore Capsular Contracture Treatment Options 

Why Choose The Practice Plastic Surgery for Capsular Contracture Treatment?

At The Practice Plastic Surgery, we excel in capsular contracture correction. Our unique approach and advanced techniques ensure optimal results for our patients.

Focusing on patient care and satisfaction, we prioritize personalized treatment plans in Beverly Hills to address individual needs and concerns.

Capsular Contracture Treatment at a Glance

  • Comprehensive Care: Tailored treatment plans to address capsular contracture with precision, created from over 15 years of experience treating this condition.
  • Advanced Techniques: Utilization of innovative surgical methods for optimal results.
  • Patient-Centric Approach: Focus on patient comfort, safety, and satisfaction throughout the treatment journey.
  • Long-lasting Results: Effective treatment strategies to minimize recurrence and promote lasting relief.
  • Supportive Care: Ongoing support and guidance to facilitate a smooth recovery process for patients.

Our Approach at The Practice 

What is the Capsular Contracture Treatment procedure like?

At The Practice Plastic Surgery, we understand the frustration associated with capsular contracture. Here's how we address this complication. Our approach boasts a 95% success rate in treating capsular contracture. This effectiveness stems from several key steps:

Meticulous Removal

  • Complete Capsulectomy: We carefully remove the entire capsule, ensuring no residual tissue remains behind. This eliminates a potential source of inflammation.
  • Implant Extraction: The affected implant is removed alongside the capsule.
  • Biofilm Eradication: Suspicious tissue is biopsied to identify and eradicate biofilms, colonies of bacteria that can contribute to contracture.
  • Antibiotic Treatment: A thorough antibiotic irrigation and topical solution further minimize the risk of infection.

Creating a Supportive Environment

  • Internal Bra with ADM: We utilize acellular dermal matrix (ADM), a biocompatible material, to create a supportive "internal bra" around the new implant. This layer provides a protective barrier and reduces the risk of future contracture.
  • Enhanced Shape and Support: The ADM also helps maintain the desired breast shape and position after implant placement.

Addressing Underlying Infection

  • Antibiotic Regimen: Following surgery, you'll receive antibiotics based on biopsy results. This ensures proper treatment of any identified infection.
  • Infectious Disease Consultation: If needed, you'll be referred to an infectious disease specialist for further evaluation and treatment.
  • Prophylactic Antibiotics: Even in the absence of active infection, some patients may receive prophylactic antibiotics to minimize future complications.

Understanding Capsular Contracture 

What is Capsular Contracture?

Capsular contracture is a condition that can occur following breast augmentation surgery. It involves the formation of thick scar tissue around the implant, which can tighten and harden over time.

What Happens During Capsular Contracture?

Normally, your body forms a thin capsule of scar tissue to encapsulate the implant, a natural response to any foreign object. In capsular contracture, however, this capsule becomes unusually thick and constrictive.

Signs and Symptoms

While the exact cause of capsular contracture remains under investigation, several factors can contribute to its development:

  • Inflammation of the Capsule: Anything that triggers inflammation around the implant can lead to capsular contracture. This may occur due to various factors like:
  • Trauma: Rough surgical technique or bleeding around the implant site during surgery can initiate inflammation.
  • Bacterial Infection: Bacteria entering the implant area can cause infection and inflammation. Biofilms, colonies of bacteria that form on implants, are increasingly recognized as a significant contributor.
  • Implant Rupture: A ruptured silicone implant or leftover silicone fragments from a previous rupture can trigger an inflammatory response.
  • Foreign Body Reaction: In some cases, the body may have a heightened reaction to the presence of a foreign object (implant) itself.

Understanding the Process

Imagine the capsule surrounding the implant as a flexible pouch. When inflammation occurs, this pouch can thicken and tighten, gradually constricting the implant. If inflammation persists, the capsule can shrink and harden, causing the implant to feel firm and immobile.

The Importance of Early Detection

While the causes of capsular contracture can vary, early detection and intervention are crucial. If you experience any of these symptoms following breast augmentation, it's crucial to consult your doctor promptly. Early detection and treatment can help minimize complications. Capsular contracture is a treatable condition. By working with your doctor, you can explore treatment options and address any concerns you may have.

Resolve Your Concerns

What conditions does Capsular Contracture Treatment address?

While the procedure directly addresses capsular contracture, it can also indirectly address related concerns:

  • Breast Pain and Discomfort: Capsular contracture often causes breast pain and tightness. The removal of the contracted capsule and the creation of a more favorable environment for a new implant can alleviate these symptoms.
  • Breast Shape Distortion: The tightening of the capsule can cause the breasts to appear unnaturally round and high on the chest. Treatment can restore a more natural and aesthetically pleasing breast shape.
  • Loss of Confidence: Capsular contracture can significantly impact a woman's self-esteem. Successful treatment can restore confidence and satisfaction with the appearance and feel of the breasts.

Reclaiming Comfort and Confidence 

What are the benefits of Capsular Contracture Treatment?

Capsular contracture can be a frustrating complication following breast augmentation. Fortunately, effective treatment options are available at The Practice Plastic Surgery. Here's how this procedure can benefit you:

Regaining Breast Comfort and Softness

The tightening and hardening of the scar tissue capsule around the implant in capsular contracture can cause significant discomfort and pain. Removing the contracted capsule and creating a more favorable environment for a new implant (if desired) can alleviate these symptoms and restore a natural feeling of softness to your breasts.

Restoring a Natural Breast Shape

Capsular contracture can distort the shape of your breasts, making them appear unnaturally round, contorted, or high on the chest. Treatment effectively addresses this concern by removing the contracted capsule and potentially placing a new implant within a supportive internal bra structure. This allows for a more natural and aesthetically pleasing breast shape that aligns with your desired outcome.

Renewed Confidence and Self-Esteem

Changes in breast appearance due to capsular contracture can significantly impact a woman's self-esteem. Successful treatment can restore a sense of normalcy and happiness with the look and feel of your breasts. This newfound confidence can positively impact various aspects of your life.

Addressing Long-Term Complications

Left untreated, capsular contracture can lead to additional complications. Treatment can help prevent these issues and ensure the long-term health and appearance of your breasts.

When Implants Change 

Am I a candidate for Capsular Contracture Treatment?

If you're experiencing any of the following following breast augmentation and suspect capsular contracture, you might be a good candidate for treatment:

  • Changes in Breast Shape: Noticeable changes in breast shape, like an unnaturally round or high appearance.
  • Loss of Softness: Breasts that feel firm or hard to the touch, losing their natural softness.
  • Pain or Discomfort: Discomfort or pain in the breasts, especially when touched.

A consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon is crucial to determine your candidacy. During this visit, they will:

  • Evaluate your symptoms and medical history.
  • Perform a physical examination of your breasts.
  • Discuss your goals.

While most patients with capsular contracture can benefit from treatment, some factors may necessitate waiting or alternative approaches. These can include:

  • Active Infection: If you have a current infection in your breasts, treatment for the infection will be prioritized before addressing the capsular contracture.
  • Unrealistic Expectations: It's important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of treatment. Your surgeon will discuss these in detail during your consultation.
  • Overall Health: Certain medical conditions may make you a less suitable candidate for surgery. Your surgeon will assess your overall health during the consultation.

Schedule a Consultation Today!

Don't let capsular contracture hold you back from achieving your desired breast appearance. Contact The Practice Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation and discuss your treatment options. Our experienced surgeons will guide you through the process and help you determine if capsular contracture treatment is right for you.

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A Smooth Recovery 

Capsular Contracture Treatment Recovery

While capsular contracture treatment is an outpatient procedure, a focused recovery period is essential for optimal healing and long-lasting results. Here's what you can expect at The Practice Plastic Surgery:

Preparation for Surgery

  • Pre-operative Consultation: During your consultation, your surgeon will provide detailed instructions on preparing for surgery, including any medications to avoid, dietary restrictions, and what to wear on the day of surgery.
  • Medical Clearance: You may require clearance from your primary care physician to ensure you're healthy enough for surgery.
  • Gathering Supplies: Stock up on ice packs, comfortable post-surgical garments, post-surgery medications, and any other supplies recommended by your surgeon.

The Recovery Process

  • Immediately After Surgery: Following the procedure, you will be monitored in the recovery area until you're ready to go home.
  • Pain Management: You can expect some discomfort and swelling in the breasts. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication to manage these symptoms effectively.
  • Rest and Recuperation: Plan for a period of rest and minimal physical activity during the first few days following surgery. Gradually increase activity as tolerated and instructed by your surgeon.
  • Compression Garments: Wearing a compression garment as directed by your surgeon is crucial to minimize swelling and promote proper healing.
  • Follow-up Appointments: Scheduled follow-up appointments will be necessary to monitor your healing progress and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Optimizing Your Results

  • Incision Care: Your surgeon will provide instructions on proper scar care to minimize the appearance of scars.
  • Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle: A balanced diet and regular exercise can contribute to optimal healing and long-term results.
  • Open Communication: Don't hesitate to contact our office if you experience any concerning symptoms or have questions during your recovery journey.

Returning to Normal Activities

The timeframe for returning to normal activities will vary depending on your individual case and will be discussed with you by your surgeon. Generally, most patients can resume light activities within a few days and gradually return to more strenuous activities within a week or two.

Remember: Following your surgeon's instructions and prioritizing rest are crucial for a smooth recovery and achieving the best possible outcome from your capsular contracture treatment.

Achieving Long-Lasting Results 

Capsular Contracture Treatment Results

Our comprehensive approach to treating contracture boasts a cure rate of over 95%. For optimal results it is critical to follow after instructions, and ensure you get rest after surgery. Following surgery, a one-week recovery period is followed by a month of restricted exercise. Activities can resume fully after this period. For optimal results, we recommend avoiding underwire bras for three to six months to allow breasts to settle into the proper position.

Capsular Contracture Treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

Capsular contracture affects roughly one in six breast augmentation patients.

While not typically dangerous, it can lead to surface irregularities or, in severe cases, implant rupture, posing health risks.

In extreme instances, it may cause discomfort, especially in grades II-IV of the Baker scale, where the breast may feel firmer.

Preventative measures are limited, but certain surgical techniques, like subglandular placement, may lower the risk.

Yes, complete capsule removal is required for treatment, often involving implant replacement with new ones.

Our surgeons have developed techniques with a cure rate exceeding 95%, reducing the likelihood of recurrence.