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Breast Implant Removal
in Beverly Hills, CA

Regaining Confidence

Why Choose The Practice Plastic Surgery for Breast Implant Removal?

At The Practice Plastic Surgery, we understand that the decision to remove your breast implants is a personal one. Our board-certified surgeons are dedicated to providing a comprehensive and compassionate approach to breast implant removal surgery (explant surgery).

Our Beverly Hills surgeons are leaders in the field, with extensive experience in various explant techniques, including capsulectomy and en bloc capsulectomy. This ensures a meticulous and minimally invasive approach to achieving optimal results.

Breast Implant Removal at a Glance

  • Benefits: Improved health, natural appearance, addressing complications, regaining confidence.
  • Downtime: Typically outpatient procedure with minimal recovery time.
  • Duration: The procedure itself takes a few hours, with full healing taking up to a year.
  • Personalized Approach: We tailor the procedure and recovery plan to your unique needs.
  • Experienced Surgeons: Our board-certified surgeons prioritize optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Considering Breast Implant Removal? 

What is breast implant removal?

At The Practice Plastic Surgery, we understand that your journey with breast implants may evolve. Here are some reasons why women choose to have their implants removed:

  • Health Concerns: Emerging research suggests a link between breast implants and a condition called Breast Implant Illness (BII). BII can cause symptoms like fatigue, chronic pain, and mood changes—some patients with suspected BII experience improvement in these symptoms following explant surgery (implant removal).
  • Complications: Common complications like capsular contracture (hardening of the scar tissue around the implant) or implant rupture may necessitate removal. Leaking of saline or silicone implants also warrants explantation.
  • Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL): This rare form of cancer has been associated with certain textured surface silicone implants. The FDA has issued warnings about these types of implants. We can help you determine if your implants are at risk and recommend an explant procedure if necessary.

Making Informed Decisions

If you're considering breast implant removal, it's crucial to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. During your consultation, we will:

  • Discuss your reasons for considering explantation.
  • Evaluate your health history and individual situation.
  • Review the potential benefits and risks of the procedure.
  • Explore breast reconstruction options if desired.

We are committed to empowering you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your health and appearance.

What Is Capsular Contracture?

While breast augmentation surgery can enhance your appearance, a potential complication called capsular contracture can occur. Here's what you need to know:

  • Scar Tissue Overreaction: Normally, your body forms a thin layer of scar tissue around the implant, a natural reaction to any foreign object. In capsular contracture, however, this scar tissue thickens and tightens abnormally.
  • Tightening and Distortion: This thickening constricts the space around the implant, causing it to rise higher on the chest. This can lead to breasts appearing unnaturally round and tight, resembling a "baseball" shape.
  • Loss of Softness and Pain: As the capsule tightens, the breasts lose their natural softness and may become firm or even hard to the touch. In severe cases, capsular contracture can cause pain and discomfort.
  • Grading the Severity: The severity of capsular contracture is classified on a scale (Baker scale). Grade III indicates a firm implant, while Grade IV involves a hard and potentially painful implant.

Early Detection is Key

If you experience any changes in your breasts following augmentation, such as firmness, shape distortion, or pain, consult your doctor promptly. Early detection and intervention are crucial for a successful outcome.

Regaining Control and Comfort 

What is breast implant removal (capsulectomy)?

At The Practice Plastic Surgery, we take an expert approach to designing your ideal, personalized procedure. Here is what you can expect with a capsulectomy procedure:

  • Removing the Implant and Capsule: Capsulectomy involves the surgical removal of both the breast implant and the surrounding scar tissue capsule.
  • Complete Capsule Removal: We prioritize a total capsulectomy, aiming to remove all of the capsule material. This minimizes the risk of future complications.
  • Surgical Techniques: Two main techniques are used:
  • Total Capsulectomy: The capsule is meticulously dissected and removed in pieces for optimal control.
  • En Bloc Capsulectomy (when appropriate): In some cases, the surgeon may remove the entire capsule with the implant still inside (en bloc), depending on the implant type and specific situation.

Choosing the Right Approach

During your consultation, our surgeons will discuss both techniques and recommend the most suitable approach for your case, considering factors like the severity of capsular contracture and the type of implant you have.

A Personalized Approach 

What is the breast implant removal procedure like?

Our board-certified surgeons are experts in various breast implant removal techniques, including capsulectomy and en bloc capsulectomy (removing implant and capsule together). This minimizes health risks and often utilizes the original incision site to avoid new scars.

Addressing Your Goals

The procedure is customized to your desires. We consider:

  • Desired breast size after removal.
  • Reasons for removal (health or aesthetics).
  • Overall breast tissue and skin conditions.

Three Patient Categories

  1. Good Skin and Tissue, Smaller Breasts Desired: This involves removing the implant, repairing any damage, and addressing "pec flex" (unnatural-looking movement of the breasts when flexing pectoral muscles). Techniques like internal sutures and capsule removal (especially for abnormal capsules) are used to achieve the desired outcome. Tissue samples may be sent for testing.
  2. Larger Volume Than Natural Tissue Desired: Fat grafting can be used to restore volume after removing the implant. The amount of fat available for grafting depends on your natural breast size.
  3. Stretched or Droopy Skin: After implant removal, a breast lift (mastopexy) may be necessary to address loose or sagging skin. Techniques like internal lifts (minimal scarring) or traditional mastopexy (depending on severity) can be used.

Addressing Past Procedures

Our surgeons can also correct complications from previous implant removal surgeries performed by other doctors.

The Practice Difference

We focus on innovative, meticulous techniques to ensure beautiful results and address all implant-related issues during explant surgery.

Starting Fresh

What are the benefits of breast implant removal?

Considering breast implant removal is a personal decision. If you're contemplating this procedure, understanding the potential benefits can be empowering. Here at The Practice Plastic Surgery, we believe informed patients make the best choices.

Improved Health and Reduced Discomfort

  • Addressing Complications: Implant rupture, capsular contracture, and BII (though research is ongoing) can cause pain, discomfort, and inflammation. Explant surgery removes the source of these issues, potentially leading to significant improvement in your overall well-being.
  • Peace of Mind: For some women, the presence of breast implants can be a constant source of worry. Explant surgery can eliminate this anxiety and allow you to focus on your health with peace of mind.

Embracing a More Natural Look

  • Restoring Shape and Softness: Over time, implants can lose their shape or become noticeable. Explant surgery allows your breasts to return to a more natural appearance and regain their softness.
  • Aligning with Your Preferences: Your aesthetic preferences may evolve over time. Explant surgery allows you to achieve a look that feels more in line with your current sense of self-confidence and beauty.

Taking Control and Moving Forward

  • Regaining Choice: Ultimately, your body is yours. Explant surgery empowers you to make a decision about your appearance and health that feels right for you.
  • Starting Fresh: Explant surgery can be a chance to move forward with renewed confidence and a positive body image.

Remember: Every woman's experience is unique. During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss the potential benefits and risks of breast implant removal in detail to help you determine if it's the right choice for you.

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Taking Control, One Step at a Time 

What conditions does breast implant removal address?

Breast implant removal (explant surgery) doesn't directly treat medical conditions, but it addresses various complications or aesthetic concerns that may arise from having implants. Here's a breakdown:

  • Capsular Contracture: This occurs when the scar tissue around the implant hardens and tightens, causing pain, discomfort, and an unnatural breast shape. Explant surgery removes the capsule and implant, alleviating these symptoms.
  • Implant Rupture: A ruptured implant can leak silicone or saline gel, potentially causing inflammation, lumps, and changes in breast shape. Explant surgery removes the ruptured implant and eliminates these issues.
  • Breast Implant Illness (BII): While research is ongoing, some women with breast implants experience fatigue, chronic pain, and other symptoms that improve after explant surgery. This procedure removes the suspected source of these symptoms for some patients.
  • Unwanted Appearance: Over time, breast implants can lose their shape or become noticeable, leading to dissatisfaction. Explant surgery allows women to return to a more natural look.
  • Personal Preference: Some women simply decide they no longer want breast implants and choose to have them removed for aesthetic reasons. Explant surgery fulfills this desire.

Important Note: Breast implant removal doesn't address underlying medical conditions and should be discussed with a doctor to determine if it's the right course of action for your specific situation.

Exploring Explant Surgery 

Am I a candidate for breast implant removal?

At The Practice Plastic Surgery, we help determine if breast implant removal is the right course of action for your unique situation.

Good Candidates for Explant Surgery:

  • Addressing Health Concerns: If you're experiencing complications like capsular contracture, implant rupture, or suspecting BII (breast implant illness), explant surgery can potentially alleviate these issues and improve your overall well-being.
  • Seeking a Natural Look: Do you desire a return to a more natural breast appearance after changes caused by implants over time? Explant surgery can help you achieve this goal.
  • Evolving Preferences: Your aesthetic preferences may change. Explant surgery allows you to pursue a look that better aligns with your current sense of self.
  • Overall Health: Ideal candidates are generally healthy, maintain a stable weight, and are non-smokers.

Beyond these factors, here are some common reasons women choose explant surgery:

  • Dissatisfaction with Appearance: Over time, implants may lose their shape or become noticeable, leading to a desire for change.
  • Lifestyle Considerations: Your lifestyle may have evolved, and implants may no longer feel like the right fit for you.
  • Post-Pregnancy Changes: Pregnancy and breastfeeding can alter breast shape and size. Explant surgery can be an option if you desire a different look after these experiences.

Schedule a Consultation Today!

During your consultation, our surgeons will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine if breast implant removal is the right choice for you.

They will discuss your goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have. We are committed to empowering you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your health and appearance.

From Discomfort to Freedom 

Breast Implant Removal Recovery

Every recovery journey is unique. During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss a detailed recovery plan tailored to your specific needs. We are committed to ensuring a smooth and comfortable recovery experience so you can focus on regaining confidence in your body. Here's what you can expect during recovery:

  • Early Days: Following the outpatient procedure, you may experience some tenderness, numbness, swelling, or bruising in the breasts. Pain medication will be prescribed to manage these symptoms effectively.
  • Comfort and Support: We will provide you with a compression garment to wear, which helps minimize swelling and promotes proper healing.
  • Gradual Return to Activity: While strenuous activity is generally avoided for a month post-surgery, you'll be guided on a personalized plan for gradually increasing your activity level to ensure optimal recovery.
  • Communication is Key: We encourage you to openly communicate any questions or concerns you may have throughout the healing process. Our team is here to support you every step of the way.

What to Expect After Explant Surgery

Breast Implant Removal Results

We're committed to achieving optimal results for our patients. Here's what you can expect after breast implant removal:

  • Achieving Your Goals: Following a diligent recovery plan is crucial to maximizing your results.
  • Natural Appearance: The final outcome depends on the size and type of implants removed, as well as the quality and quantity of your remaining breast tissue. Our surgeons strive to achieve a natural look that aligns with your aesthetic goals.
  • Patience is Key: Full healing can take up to a year. Be patient with your body as it adjusts and recovers.

Beyond Results: Regaining Confidence

While achieving the desired aesthetic result is important, our ultimate goal is to empower you to feel confident and comfortable in your own skin. Breast implant removal can be a transformative experience, allowing you to reclaim your body and rediscover self-assurance.

Breast Implant Removal

Frequently Asked Questions

Many women worry about loose skin or changes in shape after explant surgery. Our skilled surgeons prioritize minimizing these concerns. Techniques like internal support and fat grafting (using your own fat for volume) can help achieve a natural look after implant removal.

Capsular contracture occurs in around 11% of implant recipients. It involves scar tissue hardening around the implant, causing pain and discomfort. Explant surgery can address this complication.

Insurance coverage depends on the reason for removal. If medically necessary (capsular contracture, rupture, etc.), insurance may offer benefits. However, purely aesthetic procedures are typically not covered. We recommend checking with your insurance provider for specific details.

Both procedures address capsular contracture, but with different approaches:

  • Capsulectomy: This surgery completely removes the implant and the entire scar capsule surrounding it.
  • Capsulotomy: This is a less invasive procedure that only loosens the tight scar tissue around the implant, without removing it entirely. It may be suitable for mild capsular contracture.

During your consultation, our surgeons will discuss the best approach for your specific situation.